Vinicius Lage

When machines take over the world, what will be left for us humans is art.

Technical Program Manager at MongoDB.
I was very happy to transition from embedded and automotive to tech. MongoDB's values align with mine, and its diverse stack—from low-level storage engines to globally distributed cloud systems like Atlas—gives me the motivation to learn and make a real impact.
Embedded Software Engineer, Product Owner (team with 10+ people), and Chief Product Owner (business unit with 50+ people) at TTTech. We were developing an innovative platform for autonomous driving cars. Also, the same scheduler we worked on for the cars literally traveled to the moon with the NASA Artemis I mission. In January 2025, the company was acquired by NXP.
Moved from Hungary to Barcelona, Spain: adiós winter, welcome good weather and great food!
Embedded Software Engineer and Embedded Software Architect at ThyssenKrupp, Hungary.
Here, I learned how to work on large-scale global projects and collaborate with international teams.
Moved from Brazil to Budapest, Hungary. First time abroad, ever, and to a place I'd never heard of before! The opportunity came, so I decided to sell everything and embark on this adventure.
Master's at Vale Institute of Technology, Brazil.
I developed a bench system (hardware, mechanics, firmware, and software) for measuring iron ore moisture. The results were great: I got a patent (BR-102019016715-7), published papers, and won an award for best presentation at the 12th ICST 2018 (IEEE). Later, the first spin-off of our university was founded by my mentor, and my work is now part of their product portfolio.
Vale Institute of Technology has a partnership with MIT Sloan.
Signed a contract with Sony Music with my band SambaBen - yeah, almost famous XD
Founded and managed Impactual Digital Mídia, a small company in Brazil (5+ people) operating in two states: Minas Gerais and São Paulo. We served big-name clients, including McDonald's and Subway.
BSc at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP, Brazil. I graduated as an Automation Engineer.
I built iSecretá - a SMS based social media, in Brazil, reaching 210k active users and 50k daily SMS. I was already using PHP and MySQL for the back-end, pretty much modern for the time XD
High school with a technical degree in Automation and Electronics - CEFET-OP, now IFMG, a great public school in Brazil! There, I had my first job with a monthly salary. I was 15 when I started as a programming language instructor. I earned R$90 per month—not much, but I learned a ton about electronics and programming!
I was 14 when I sold my first web-based system for R$50 — a shopping cart for a dating website, using ASP, JavaScript, and Microsoft Access—yes, Microsoft Access XD
Started to play drums - tra tum tsh!!!!
I was 12 when I got my first PC. I built and launch my first website, using HTML and Microsoft FrontPage, old school but cool!
I was born on April, yeah - "satanaries". I am from Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil a very beautiful city!